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Do you need 100+ Etsy listings to WIN?

How many Etsy listings do you need? Do you need 100+ print on demand listings? How do you write a GOOD description? Can you remove Etsy reviews? In this episode, I'll be answering all of YOUR questions.

Welcome, friends! I am Dylan, a multi-six figure Etsy & Shopify seller. My Etsy shop ranks in the top 0.1% of Etsy shops worldwide and we reached $1.5M+ in sales in just 6.5 years. I am here to provide value to YOU through tips and tactical advice to start your Etsy shop or to grow your current Etsy shop to the multi-six figure level and beyond! There's no fluff here, only tactics that add to your profit and save you time.

Book a call with me to discuss your Etsy shop, any struggles, and hear more about how I can help you through my program, Multi-Six Figure Etsy Blueprint and 1:1 coaching! 

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0:00 - Intro
0:55 - Business goals?
2:39 - How to win in saturated niche?
3:36 - Facebook groups on personal account?
3:42 - Different niches?
4:56 - EIN or Sole Proprietor
5:56 - Facebook strategy for digital products?
6:31 - Two students competing?
7:45 - What's a pricing strategy for digital products?
8:30 - How do you get out of a bad review?
9:30 - Free product for reviews?
9:47 - How to write good descriptions
11:14 - Etsy shop bundles with variations?
11:39 - How to make money in print on demand
12:47 - Should you watermark Etsy photos?
13:31 - Do you need 100+ print on demand listings?